Wait . . . What did you say? Abruzzo? Where is that?
This is literally the reaction every single time Abruzzo pops in a conversation with friends, and every single time we ask them the same question, ever been to Rome? And when they say yes, we just say . . . well, Abruzzo is the region right next to it! And they go like Ohhhhh! Which is also why we decided to call our blog the The City Next Door (the region is literally right next to one of the most visited city in the world!). Abruzzo is one of the 20 regions that form Italy, officially belongs to the south, but geographically is in the centre.

Distance from Rome will vary based on where you want to go. For instance, if you go to Aquila, which is the capital of Abruzzo, it will take roughly one hour and thirty minutes to get there. On the other hand, if your destination is more towards the Adriatic Coast, let’s say Pescara, then it will take you approximately two hours and thirty minutes.

Abruzzo is "younger" than we think . . .
Several studies have revealed that, what is known today as Abruzzo has been inhabited since the Stone Age. However, the Region of Abruzzo was officially born on December the 3rd of 1963, when through a constitutional text the old region of “Abruzzi and Molise” was disintegrated and the regions of Abruzzo and Molise were born separately.
Also, Abruzzo is one of the regions with the least population, according to the latest figures from the ISTAT for the year 2021, Abruzzo has approximately 1,3M inhabitants, which represents only 2% of the total population of Italy.
What is the weather like in Abruzzo?
In Abruzzo there are four seasons well defined: summer, autumns, winter and spring. Sometimes summers can be very hot reaching temperatures between 35 and 40 celsius degrees and winters, depending on where you are, can be not extremely cold or the very opposite, freezing and with tons o snow.
Any time of the year is a good time to visit the region, however, and based on our own experience, mid – late May and early -mid September is the best ever! You will be able to fully enjoy all the beauties Abruzzo has to offer.
Abruzzo is the Greenest Region in Europe . . . and not only
National Parks, Protected Areas and its numerous Natural Reserves, that cover around one third of its territory, give this region the title of the Greenest Region in Europe. And not only . . . Abruzzo has more than 130 km of coast with beaches for all tastes and more than 20 Ski Resorts. So, in other words, you have everything in one place! You get to choose . . .
Pssst . . . this is without mentioning food part. We’ll get to it 😉

Four cities and hundreds of villages . . .
Abruzzo is formed by four cities and these are Aquila (the capital), Chieti, Pescara and Teramo, and each city is formed by hundreds of towns and villages that worth the visit! In fact, some of them belong to this exclusive club named, “I Borghi più belli d’Italia”. Abruzzo is the third region with the highest number of towns under this classification.
Where to stay in Abruzzo?
Being absolutely honest this is a tricky one for us. Every time we go, we stay at our house which is located in a tiny town named Giuliano Teatino near Francavilla al Mare and not far from La Maiella. In any case you can always check Airbnb and Booking and you will find plenty of options.
If Abruzzo is in Italy . .
What about food then?

Some say that there is not better way to get to know a new place than through its cuisine, and when it comes to food, Abruzzo is a festival you surely don’t want to miss . . .

Depending on where you are in Abruzzo, you can taste traditional and delicious plates, that go from the famous spaghetti alla chitarra, pipindune e ove, arrosticini and much more. Also, Abruzzo’s harvest is one of the finest, well known are the Montepulciano d’Abruzzo, the Cerasuolo d’Abruzzo and the Pecorino.

With no doubt, Abruzzo is one of the most fascinating region in the whole country gastronomically speaking. So, pack your things, empty your stomach and be ready to travel deep into this beautiful place and get to know the best of its cuisine!

How to get to Abruzzo?
Lucky us, Abruzzo has its own international airport. The Aeroporto Internazionale d’Abruzzo, located in Pescara. There are several routes available operated by Ryanair, if you are coming from abroad.
On the other hand, if you are coming from Italy, there are some routes available between Abruzzo’s airport and other cities such as: Alghero, Bergamo, Cagliari, Catania, Milano, Olbia, Trapani, Treviso andTorino. Also, the region can easily accessed by car.
Once in Abruzzo’s airport, the best option to move around the region is by renting a car.
Abruzzo in figures . . .
3 National Parks
1 Regional Park
+35 Natural Reserves
+130 km of coast
+20 sky resorts
+1.2M Population
Wait, before you go . . . Why Abruzzo, why us?
Our reminiscence of Abruzzo goes well back into our childhoods, our dads are from Abruzzo so we used to visit during summer to enjoy the region and of course, visit our grandparents. Abruzzo is part of our roots and it has played an important part in who we are.
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Everything you need to know about where is and what you can do and see in Abruzzo!

Wait . . . What did you say? Abruzzo? Where is that?

This is literally the reaction every single time Abruzzo pops in a conversation with friends, and every single time we ask them the same question, ever been to Rome? And when they say yes, we just say . . . well, Abruzzo is the region right next to it! And they go like Ohhhhh! Which is also why we decided to call our blog the The City Next Door (Abruzzo is literally right next to one of the most visited city in the world!). Abruzzo is one of the 20 regions that form Italy, officially belongs to the south, but geographically is in the centre.
Distance from Rome will vary based on where you want to go. For instance, if you go to Aquila, which is the capital of Abruzzo, it will take roughly one hour and thirty minutes to get there. On the other hand, if your destination is more towards the Adriatic Coast, let’s say Pescara, then it will take you approximately two hours and thirty minutes.
Abruzzo is younger than we think . . .

Several studies have revealed that, what is known today as Abruzzo has been inhabited since the Stone Age. However, the Region of Abruzzo was officially born on December the 3rd of 1963, when through a constitutional text the old region of “Abruzzi and Molise” was disintegrated and the regions of Abruzzo and Molise were born separately.
In addition, Abruzzo is one of the regions with the least population, according to the latest figures from the ISTAT for the year 2021, Abruzzo has approximately 1,3M inhabitants, which represents only 2% of the total population of Italy.
What is the weather like in Abruzzo?
In Abruzzo there are four seasons well defined: summer, autumns, winter and spring. Sometimes summers can be very hot reaching temperatures between 35 and 40 celsius degrees and winters can be not extremely cold but somehow very cold with tons of snow.
Any time of the year is a good time to visit the region, however, and based on our own experience, mid – late May and early -mid September is best ever! You will be able to fully enjoy all the beauties lovely Abruzzo offers.
Abruzzo is the Greenest Region in Europe . . . and not only
National Parks, Protected Areas and its numerous Natural Reserves, that cover around one third of its territory, give this region the title of the Greenest Region in Europe. And not only . . . Abruzzo has more than 130 km of coast with beaches for all tastes and more than 20 Ski Resorts. So, in other words, you have everything in one place! The choose is yours . . .
Pssst . . . this is without mentioning food part. We’ll get to it 😉

Abruzzo is formed mainly by four cities and these are Aquila (the capital), Chieti, Pescara and Teramo, and each city is formed by hundreds of towns and villages that worth the visit! In fact, some of them belong to this exclusive club named, “I Borghi più belli d’Italia”. Abruzzo is the third region with the highest number of towns under this classification.
Where to stay in Abruzzo?
Well, actually and being absolutely honest this is a tricky one for us. Every time we go, we stay at our house which is located in a tiny town named Giuliano Teatino near Francavilla al Mare and not that far from La Maiella. In any case you can always check Airbnb and Booking and you will find plenty of options.
If Abruzzo is in Italy . .
What about food then?

Some say that there is not better way to get to know a new place than through its cuisine, and when it comes to food, Abruzzo is a festival you surely don’t want to miss . . .

Depending on where you are in Abruzzo, you can taste traditional and delicious plates, that go from the famous spaghetti alla chitarra, pipindune e ove, arrosticini and much more. Also, Abruzzo’s harvest is one of the finest, well known are the Montepulciano d’Abruzzo, the Cerasuolo d’Abruzzo and the Pecorino.

With no doubt, Abruzzo is one of the most fascinating region in the whole country gastronomically speaking. So, pack your things, empty your stomach and be ready to travel deep into this beautiful place and get to know the best of its cuisine!
How to get to Abruzzo?

Lucky us, Abruzzo has its own international airport in Abruzzo, the Aeroporto Internazionale d’Abruzzo, located in Pescara. There are several routes available operated by Ryanair, if you are coming from abroad.
On the other hand, if you are coming from Italy, there are some routes available between Abruzzo’s airport and other cities such as: Alghero, Bergamo, Cagliari, Catania, Milano, Olbia, Trapani, Treviso andTorino. Also, the region can easily accessed by car.
Once in Abruzzo’s airport, the best option to move around the region is by renting a car.
Abruzzo in figures
Wait, before you go . . . Why Abruzzo, why us?
Our reminiscence of Abruzzo goes well back into our childhoods, our dads are from Abruzzo so we used to visit during summer to enjoy the region and of course, visit our grandparents. Abruzzo is part of our roots and it has played an important part in who we are.

Armando Sebastiani