The City Next Door | Abruzzo, The Hidden Gem of Italy


It was in 1994 the year I first travelled to Abruzzo, specifically to Giuliano Teatino, the hometown of my father. When you are just five years old everything seems like a distant dream, a strange supercut. It was also my first trip with my mom, my brother, my uncle, and yes, Armando and Idania!

All of us posing  with the tank on a sunny day

Me getting a solo picture on top of the tank

There are a few memories that I can always revisit when I think about this trip: my nonna’s pizzelle, my nonno’s very ultra spicy home-cultivated pepperoncini (he ate them like candy), my mom throwing a bucket of water on me from the balcony (not intentional) and a huge-real war tank!

As you can imagine, this monumental machine was just unbelievable for me, a movielike spot just a few meters away from our grandparent’s house. Imagine how I felt looking at something like this every day! Somehow, this structure became a “meeting point” for us to hang out and play. Interesting how the perception of such historical element can change and turn into something else depending on the context.

Just looking at the pictures and see how much it changed it’s a reminder of how things mutate but memories and history walk with us. Later on, the tank got replaced for a memorial to the fallen in the first and second world war. There are many more family stories related to this one, but we gonna share them with you in another post, stay tuned!

Later on, the tanks were replaces with this memorial

March 23, 2020

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